Month: May 2021

Published by Susan Glaser, Published date: May, 2021 CLEVELAND, Ohio — Megan Harnar, the human resources manager at the Westin Cleveland Downtown, doesn’t mind occasionally cleaning toilets at the hotel. It’s a reminder that she’s still employed in an industry that has been devastated by the coronavirus pandemic. This past weekend provided a glimpse

H&LA’s recent research for a project in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin revealed some exciting new hospitality-related developments happening in the area. These developments will have a major impact on tourism, employment, and the general economy in Wisconsin Dells and the surrounding areas in 2021 and beyond. On-going pandemic concerns may alter timelines for some of these

The University of Livingstonia is one of only a few private universities in the southern African country of Malawi.  As Malawi continues to fight poverty,  the University offers a beacon of hope and education for students working towards their dreams and goals. Established in 2003, the University has three campuses in the northern part of
