The University of Livingstonia is one of only a few private universities in the southern African country of Malawi. As Malawi continues to fight poverty, the University offers a beacon of hope and education for students working towards their dreams and goals. Established in 2003, the University has three campuses in the northern part of country serving approximately 2,000 students in studies ranging from theology and social sciences to education and applied sciences to business administration and management. The university offers Bachelor’s degrees in all faculties with Master’s degrees in several disciplines and is working to establish a hospitality management program. H&LA is proud to financially support the University of Livingstonia, as well as to provide any needed consulting assistance.
David and Laura Sangree served in the US Peace Corps in Malawi between 1989 and 1991. They have firsthand knowledge of the warmness of the people and the tremendous needs of the country, particularly for better educational options. To learn more about how you can contribute to this great cause, please visit: To learn more about the University and its impact on the people of Malawi, please visit their website at: