Operational & Consulting Services

For our clients who need assistance in analyzing operations of hospitality properties or in finding qualified management companies or developers, we offer RFP Preparation & Solicitation and Operational Analysis & Review services. Learn how these services assist owners and operators with improving property operations and management in an effort to ensure financial success.

RFP Preparation & Solicitation

Hiring a qualified management or development company can make or break a hotel or resort development. Spending the appropriate resources to identify the most qualified company ensures that your property has the right resources in place to ensure success. READ MORE


Operational Analysis & Review

An operational analysis & review of an existing hotel or waterpark will determine areas where the property is performing well and areas that are in need of improvements. The report will assist clients in important decision-making regarding their assets concerning financial performance, renovation requirements, staffing, etc. READ MORE

Asset Management/Receivership Services

H&LA offers asset management or receivership services for hotels, resorts, waterparks, and other leisure property assets in the United States. As an asset manager or receiver, we will work on the owner or lender’s behalf to oversee the management company and ensure that the property is cost-effectively maintained and operated; the assets of the property are secure; and we will act as eyes, ears, and caretaker in the manner expected by the client. READ MORE