The News-Herald in Willoughby published an article on Hotel Online about the proposed hotel and indoor waterpark at Fairport Harbor. H&LA completed the hotel and waterpark feasibility study for the proposed development. The article quotes David Sangree about the feasibility of the project. This article dovetails with our recent publication, Public-Private Partnerships in Hotel Development.
May 21–Lake County leaders and Fairport Harbor officials recently heard two proposals from developers who have an interest to potentially bring a resort hotel with a large indoor waterpark to Fairport Harbor.
The Lake County Ohio Port and Economic Development Authority and Fairport Harbor Waterfront Advisory Committee conducted a joint meeting May 20 at the Fairport Harbor Senior Center to listen to 20-minute presentation of qualifications from Medina-based Riley Hotel Group and Newton-Mass.-based ARCADD.
Their presentations came after Cleveland-based Hotel and Leisure Advisors conducted a feasibility study of a resort in Fairport Harbor and four other potential Lake County hotels.
The $50,000 study paid for from county bed tax dollars from the Lake County Visitors Bureau was also used to help gauge the public’s desire for such projects and provide developers with data.
David Sangree of Hospitality and Leisure Advisors said it is feasible to develop an indoor water park, hotel, conference center in Fairport, but municipal assistance will be needed.
A large waterpark appears to be the best way to proceed forward, Sangree said. “The bigger, the better for a better possibility for it to work,” he said.
To read the entire article, click here.